Current Requirements:
Donate what you can, when you can.
Please feed the coffer target* donations in a timely regular fashion*. Non-target* donations can/should be donated to an alliance member's coffer. Let's all grow together. Tend buildings within the stronghold whenever possible.
*Target Donations -- Any donation item (shard, voucher, crate, and/or influence) that is required for building our current target. Generally, this is the items you see listed when attempting to donate to the coffer. I don't expect you to donate items that are otherwise usable (arms, armor, equipment, enchantments, runestones, and/or campaign currencies) by your character. However, if you do, I thank you!
*Timely Regular Fashion -- If you have one of the items mentioned above, don't horde it, donate it and help us grow. The only time you shouldn't donate is if it would cap-out your guild marks or the game won't let you because of coffer limits. Of course, if a guild officer tells you not to, that is also a good reason.
*Non-target Donations -- Any of the donation items mentioned above that are not required by our current target and a future target. You may not be aware of all of the required donations, however, settings are in place that allow guild leaders to turn off certain donations to alliance coffers and I take advantage of those settings to the fullest.
Double Guild Marks is an exception to the above. If that time is getting near and you want to save your donations to maximize your guild mark gain, by all means do so. We all do it, for one reason or another.
Most of all... Have fun playing the game!
The Brotherhood of the Realm
- Michael DarkAngel
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:29 pm
- Guild: The Brotherhood of the Realm
- Location: Somewhere out there... but not quite here...

"I intend to leave a memory of myself in the minds of others."
Leonardo da Vinci,
disciple of experience